Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Woodstock vs. Coachella

Woodstock                     vs.                      Coachella

           August 15-18, 1969                                                      3rd weekend of April, 2001-present

  White Lake, New York                                                                        Indio, California 

      Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin                                   Yo Gabba Gabba and hologram Tupac

     Changed music history forever                                   Was on a boat to the Bahamas once 

          3 days a peace & music                                            2 weekends of hipsters and burnouts
          $18.00 for three days                                                                     $450.00 for three days 


Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Best Girl Power Movies of All Time

1. Whip It

I was waiting for a Devo documentary, but this will do. The all (girl) powerful Drew Barrymore was behind this so you know it's good! Intimidating yet lovable women on roller skates! Who's in?

2. The Parent Trap

Lets be honest here, we all love this movie! I secretly wish I could go to Camp Walden and meet my long lost sister and have a handshake like Annie and Hallie's! But alas, after much google searching, no such camp exists! A girl can dream. 

3. The Princess Diaries

This movie tells my story. I never understood what Mia saw in Josh Bryant or why she didn't want to be a princess (clearly every girls dream). Up until 4th grade I thought Gevovia was a real country and I still haven't tried pizza with M&Ms. 

4. Spice World

When the Spice Girls decided they couldn't get any radder they made a movie. Posh got posh-er and Scary got Scarier! It's THAT good! These girls ruled the 90s! Why can't I pull off platform shoes like Baby Spice??

5. Juno

Also known as the greatest teen pregnancy movie in the galaxy. Paulie Bleeker is so boss, he is the cheese to my macaroni! Michael Cera's voice speaks to your inner soul and they have a casual conversation about orange tic-tacs. 

6. She's the Man

It's got young Channing Tatum and old Amanda Bynes. Viola eating chicken is pretty much the best scene in this movie (I always chew like I have a secret), besides when Duke screams at the sight of a spider. And they all have exotic names...

7. Sixteen Candles 

I sometimes cry because Jake Ryan isn't real. Molly Ringwald was a goddess in the 1980s and she makes every girl wish she was her because of her killer sense of style and the boys she falls in love with. John Hughes never made a bad film! Long Duk Dong 4ever!

8. The Cheetah Girls

Well, they're sisters even though their spots are different colors. They even have a song called 'Girl Power' that they sing for the famous music producer Jackal Johnson, but he wants them to lip sync. The Cheetahs face tough decisions. Toto gets stuck in a pothole. This makes New York news for some reason. They fight but make up in song and then these sexy firemen start breakdancing. The end. Can I just say this is the greatest movie of all time?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

DIY: cassette tape shrines

Shrines have a reputation to be a way for fangirls to cry over Justin Bieber or the Backstreet Boys. I've always wanted to make my shrine portable so I could, you know, carry around my creepiness where ever I go! So here's how I did it: 

1. A cassette tape case
2. A subject (I chose the almighty Morrissey)
3. Junk (religious objects are always the best)
4. Hot glue gun
5. Sticker letters
6. Candles 

Start off by printing multiple pictures of your subject and gluing them on to a piece of colored construction paper. Get creative! I glued Morrissey's head to a religious card from church camp years ago. Try and cover as much surface space as possible. Make sure the case can close after you deck it out so you can carry it around! Cover it with shiny things or mini objects that relate to your subject. Finally you've finished! Now find a suitable place for you shrine and light some candles around it. There you have it boys and girls, a portable shrine! Get ready to outwardly show your  inner fangirl!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Obsessed With: Freaks and Geeks

Oh Freaks and Geeks, where do I begin? The show starts out like any other relatable teen show from the 1990's, mathlete Lindsey Weir just trying to "figure herself out" in high school. Enter dreamy disheveled babe Daniel Desario who is misunderstood (young James Franco is a reason on its own to watch the show) . That's when you get hooked. The thing is that its not your average angsty teeny show, It's the single greatest TV show I've had the delight of watching (and I never exaggerate!). A geek crushes on the older sister who doesn't know who she likes but knows she doesn't like the boy who likes her but he's just a lonely drummer burnout looking for love! I wish I could unwatch it all just show I could watch it again! So you can understand how greif-stricken I was when I found out there was only one season! I beg of you, the second you finish this paragraph, go straight to Netflix and set aside 18 hours of your life! WARNING! You will be upset at the finale! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Google It: A How-To Guide on Googly eyes

How to keep an eye on everything

Things you will need:

1. Googly eyes (check the dollar store!)
2. Hot glue gun 
3. Buttons, shoes, bows, glasses or anything you feel needs some spunk


After you have warmed up your trusty glue gun (pew pew pew!) dab 2-3 dots of hot glue to the back of the googly eye of choice (there are many sizes, shapes, and colors so take your time) and place the eye where you want it, firmly holding the eye until the glue dries. And there you have it ladies and gents! A fresh look on an old pair of glasses or knackered saddle shoes!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February's Theme is...(drum roll)...GIRL POWER!

Girl Power may have died when the Cheetah Girls broke up (a sensitive topic I must admit), but I am determined to bring it back! So show some sisterhood! Start a girl band! Power to the female people! Roll out those old lace socks and Mary Jane's, spin some Janis Joplin, and watch a season of Golden Girls because we are on a mission to bring back the empowering movement that is "girl power"!!