Monday, December 30, 2013

Man Crush Monday: Uncle Jesse


  I think it goes without saying that the best part of my childhood was Full House re-runs. As long as I can remember I've been in love with John Stamos. His fluffy Mullet, his Elvis Presley impression, his famous catch phrase "have mercy!" What's not to love?

From the first episode of Full House, it was love. The way his white teeth flashed as he picked up one of the Olsen twins could light the way right into my young impressionable heart. And boy could he make those hearts melt, with his motorcycle and too-tight-tee-shirts along with that golden skin *swoon* 

But what I love most about uncle Jesse was the way he loved DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle like his own kids. Even though his sister died in a car accident he still managed to move in with his three nieces and take care of them. Ok maybe I'm more in love with his character than John Stamos himself but have you seen those Greek yogurt commercials? HES LIKE 50 AND IS STILL THE HOTTEST MAN ON TELEVISION. God bless. Happy Man Crush Monday folks. 




Friday, December 20, 2013

Whoops I Forgot I Ran a Website

I AM NOT DEAD...Just drowning in sophomore year! 

Oh hello fellow reader, how I have missed thee! It had been a fortnight since I have written to thee and thou shalt bear much posts about my newest obsessions. Ok never mind I can't keep talking like that. Man i sorta forgot how to write on this thing, had to change my password because "kipdynamite" has too many characters...anyway! Wow I've gotten a whole new group of readers! Sorry I let you down but I'm back! Hmm let's see what's happened to me since July? I saw the arctic monkeys 3 times in one week that was interesting. Met some pretty cool people. Started a new year in H(igh school)ELL. 

Hey now readers! Why don't you tell me what you've been up to? Write me a poem, or a beat haiku. Send me pictures of your summer vacation to Sea World! 

I love all of you like children that I forget about sometimes. Stay special. I'll see ya tomorrow. 


Monday, July 15, 2013

Man Crush Monday: Marc Jacobs

The genius behind every Louis Vuitton look

Marc is for from the young boy working in a storefront he was when he was 16. He is now one of the most influential people in the fashion world. His classic, elegant, and sometimes unconventionally designs can be spotted across the world. His own line (Marc by Marc Jacobs) has become notorious for some pretty outrageous but also wonderful looks. He may also be the only man I know of who an work a pencil skirt better than most women. Marc may remain one of the biggest names in fashion for a long time so It's important to know one thing. You don't have to come from a wealthy family or go to the best schools, hard work and talent is what gets you far and Marc Jacobs is a prime example and that's why he is this weeks Man Crush. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

5 Reasons Why: It's ok to like John Mayer

I've never been very vocal about my fascination with John Mayer, mainly because a lot of people don't like him. I don't understand why though. My first concert was John Mayer at the Hollywood Bowl front row and that experience changed my life. John's music was the soundtrack for my tween years. It's completely OK to like John Mayer and here's five reasons why...

1) John Mayer is talented
When I sat there front row at my first concert I realized one thing. It was that I was in front of a legend. John made these intense guitar solo faces and he plucked the guitar like it was his second nature, feeling every note as if it were a part of his body. He may shoot out a few unlikable pop hits (Your Body's a Wonderland, etc. etc.) but he, much like Eric Clapton, hides his blues and soul behind catchy riffs. Mark my words when I say John will go down next to Clapton, Hendrix, and Page. 

2) John Mayer is funny

I have this vivid memory of being at that concert and John cracking jokes between every song or even in the middle of a song. He isn't some adult contemporary artist who makes an album a year, he's actually like a cool guy. Don't believe me? Watch him with Kanye here or on how he writes a song here

3) John Mayer's music is good
You're just lying to yourself if you don't like 'Waiting on the World to Change' or 'Neon'. They're generally catchy, fun, and audibly sweet to the ear. I know it's viewed as "lame" or "mainstream" to like pop music, but pop music is also the best kind of music! Michael Jackson was pop, The Beach Boys were pop, even The Beatles were pop. John Mayer's music is delightful and nothing should stop you from listening. 

4) John Mayer is a lyrical genius

It's one thing to have catchy riffs, easy going chorus', and a nice sound, but something about smart lyrics really gets me listening. It's also great when the person singing the song is also the person who wrote it. John saying things like "If fear hasn't killed me yet, then nothing will" and "Just a great figure eight or a tiny infinity". 

5) John Mayer is gorgeous
It was the elephant in the room. John Mayer is a complete and total BABE! He has a "bad boy reputation" with kissing and telling. He was once the male version of Taylor Swift (which I find ironic since the two dated and then Taylor wrote a song about him) but after buying a ranch in Montana and growing out his hair (thank God he cut it!) he's been pretty steady on dating Katy Perry. There is no denying his good looks, his charm and his wit. I LOVE JOHN MAYER AND I'M NOT ASHAMED! 


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Welcome to the Chungle: A Lesson on Alexa Chung

Queen Chung of Brooklyn

There are more reasons than stars in the sky as to why Alexa Chung is the coolest and most stylish human being that ever was. Maybe the biggest reason is because she's famous for being cool. She has high-profile relationships and friendships and every girl who knows about her wishes they were half as amazing or stylish. She's friends with the coolest people in Brooklyn (Matt Hitt, Tennessee Thomas, Albert Hammond jr. etc etc).  Her short lived TV show proved that she can't do everything but she can sure as heck try! She's had a modeling career, a clothing line, more than enough Vogue covers and the most coveted of all, a relationship with Alex Turner. They were hands down the cutest couple to come from the UK and their breakup was the most devastating blow to the indie crowd that year. I continually wish they were back together. But all good things must come to an end. Alexa has such an effortless perfection that a bit of jealousy comes over me, but she's so lovely that it's hard to hate her. I'm convinced that I've spent 39% of my teen years trying to recreate her style. (which I now regret because I'm against copying now I'll write about that later...) So now I'm left wondering. How does she do it? How can she wear dungarees and high tops and look like a million dollars? I might have to spend the rest of my life wondering but I'm kind of okay with that. I am now and always will be a Chungster. 


She laughed at my joke on twitter.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

British Invastion: 6 Must-See British TV shows

Here are a few groovy British TV shows I though you folks would dig because that's my jam! (I underlined all of the 'dad' vocabulary in that last sentence)

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace:

I have just recently discovered this show but the quick witted deadpan humor of Darkplace is pretty much better than The Office. There. I said it! I've always loved everything Richard Ayoade has done, he's a demi-god in his own right. The plot is simply a 1980s low-budget hospital drama that never aired in time. Trust me when I say your stomach will ache from chuckles.

Little Britain:

Another goofy one but completely worth watching. Little Britain could teach SNL a few lessons on proper sketch comedy. The show is entirely based on making fun of British characters from every corner of the UK. A flamboyant gay man, A "mentally ill" fellow in a wheelchair, and an incoherent teenage girl all reoccur within each episode when you least expect it. Though repetitive, you will never get tired of Little Britain!

Downton Abbey:

I'm actually so emotionally entwined into this show that's it's hard for me to talk about it. The first two episodes are relatively dull but my oh my does episode three deliver after so much hype. I CAN'T EVEN EXPLAIN IT! Its basically about how the heir to the Downton estate dies on the Titanic and the Crawley family struggle to find a new heir or loose it all. Sincerely watch this show with respect for it is my heart and soul.

Fawlty Towers:

A good classic show with the majestic comic god himself John Cleese! A hotel in the countryside of England is run by a husband and wife team who never can seem to get along. They try to cope with crazy guests and a Spanish bellhop who does not speak English. But at the end of the day they appear to love each other, even when Basil cannot control his temper.

The Young Ones:

The 1980s were a glorious time and I can't think of a better example of that than The Young Ones. Four very young and very different British men try to live together in harmony. Vyvyan the punk, Rick the mod not-so-rebellious anarchist, Neil the hippie who is always sick, and the peacemaker virgin Mike. Together they try to share a flat and live as normal University students. Probably the best part of it all is that every episode featured a live band. I have every episode on DVD...

Mr. Bean:

The first time I saw Mr. Bean was when I was in a hotel room in London. It seemed to be the only thing interesting on and from that day on I was hooked to Bean. How could one man make me laugh as hard as I did without saying a word. Maybe it was his face or his denial for confrontation but every episode brought another shenanigan. Long live Mr. Bean, His best pal/stuffed bear Teddy, and His Mr. T bedsheets. I also have every episode of this on DVD.
